10 Years Italian Yankee Bonds
Alternative Applications
Acupay could apply the same techniques and could implement the same processes for any issuer in a jurisdiction where there is withholding tax on investment income paid to foreign investors. We have also expanded our expertise beyond the USA, so in addition to Yankee Bonds, Acupay could assist with the issuance and maintenance of Panda Bonds, Kangaroo Bonds, Maple Bonds or bonds issued in any other foreign capital market that is attractive to the issuer.
If you are an issuer or you work on behalf of an issuer interested in diversifying your funding mix or there is a need to identify your bondholder for tax purposes, please get in touch with our team.
In addition, if you are a central securities depositary interested in attracting foreign issuer, Acupay can assist with implementing systems, tools and procedures to make this a reality and truly internationalize your organization.